Corporatism Karma

Dov Joseph Goldman Aloof
1 min readAug 3, 2021

Watching ActiBlizz crumble due to their out-of-control corporate greed and disregard for human life fills me with glee.

The people that work there deserve better, The IPs that they’ve destroyed deserve better, and the gaming industry deserves better.

Sell Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, etc to Sony or Nintendo or something. Have Blizzard break away and become its own thing again, run by decent human beings. Throw Kotick & Townsend onto their own personal island (or whatever) where they can just fuck off from the rest of the world. Toss the horny idiots that partake in “cube crawls” into a cell. Either sell the rest of the IPs to someone that will actually let them flourish or fix the management so Activision doesn’t remain a gigantic disgrace to everything gaming.

Look, I myself am a capitalist, but this shit? No. There’s a reason I have not, and will not invest in Activision’s stocks, and it’s a damn good thing I didn’t. This is where I draw the line. If your company gets to a point where you think you can just disregard human decency and throw away genuine talent because you are “ballin’”, then you have a serious problem. Check yourself before you Shrek yourself.

Stay humble. Don’t be piece of shit.



Dov Joseph Goldman Aloof

YouTuber; Developer; Shitposter; Aspie; Pokémon Master; Funny Internet Man.